Tag Archive for: All Richmond Business School Programmes

Four people stand on a balcony with the River Thames and Westminster, including the Houses of Parliament, in the background on an overcast day.

Exploring the International Maritime Organisation

What a great visit recently to the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) for Professor Greg Gannon, Head of Department, Richmond Business School and Max Jung, International Internships Officer at Richmond American University London. Our…
A person in a purple cape and mask holding a trophy, smiling in front of a Draper University step-and-repeat banner.

Bringing entrepreneurship alive through our MBA

Thank you to Daler Boltaev for sharing his experience of our MBA: Entrepreneurship, run in partnership with Draper University in the US. “I first want to thank you all for giving me the opportunity to make it real. It would not happen without…
A person is smiling for the camera.

New appointment for Head of Richmond Business School

Professor Sabine Spangenberg, Head of Richmond Business School, has been appointed to the SBS Advisory Group for Economics for the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA), an independent charity working to benefit students and higher…
A person is smiling for the camera.


With UK Higher Education taking stock of where it is and where it wants and needs to be after more than 18 months of turmoil due to the pandemic, what does this mean for one of its most coveted programmes, the MBA, in 2021? Earlier this month,…